A controversial proposal was submitted to the United Nations ‘Human Rights Commissioner (Ms. Navi Pillay) and 181 UN Ambassadors’ – calling for the extension of ‘The International Year for People of African Descent; plus the abolition of the EU Food Supplements Directive and Codex Alimentarius… to avert Corporate Global Slavery. Together, these laws and guidelines, pose the greatest threat to natural healthcare, freedom of choice, human rights, cultural heritage and the environment; by legalizing ‘synthetic medication & artificial foods’ for consumption throughout the world. Passed by Governments without the people’s knowledge or consent, to control their lives on a global scale… thereby secretly imposing Corporate Global Slavery. This new type of slavery is no longer about RACE but global population control, power & wealth, in the hands of a few driven by greed. This crime against humanity will be the worst and most deceptive form of slavery imaginable in our civilized history. Lack of transparency, accountability, vested interests, corruption and collusion between Governments, Medical Establishments, Pharmaceutical Industries, Corporations, Organizations and Media Networks… raises serious cause for concern. To this end, Dounne has set up petitions ‘The Nations Speaks – NO! Not In My Name and ‘Global Voices Unite’, to alert and empower people around the world; to collectively take back control and safeguard their future.
In her introductory letter Dounne writes;-
It is my honor to provide herewith a full and cogent Proposal for the UN Declaration of 2011 – as the International Year for People of African Descent. Via this holistic medium, I’ve aptly chosen to foreground not just the history, but the legacy of the African *Maafa – the Holocaust of the 500 years during which people of African heritage suffered severely through Slavery, imperialism, colonialism, apartheid, oppression, invasions and exploitation.
I reaffirm the African *Maafa as a crime against humanity, as well as its recognition by the United Nations, scholars and historians who have documented the primary and overwhelming culpability of European nations for enslavement in Europe, in ‘Plantation Africana’ and elsewhere. Moreover, I contend that the impending Government/Corporate Global Slavery, which now threatens to erode the moral matrix of our civilization, would serve to perpetuate these crimes not only against all wo/mankind but also the natural environment and its inhabitants.
In speaking directly to this fact, I have penned this central thesis on my landmark petition The Nation Speaks – “NO! NOT IN MY NAMEâ€. The document contains the full background and explanations of the recommendations that admittedly challenge existing unethical practices of the UK Government, European Parliament and transnational business conglomerates, which collusively extol with graphic perfidy, the virtues of artificial science over natural science. More ominously, such a blatant disregard for Non-Western organic healthcare interventions and traditions are being demonstrated, allegedly in our name as citizens of the EU and/or overseas administrative regions. The subliminal message of my timely campaign therefore indicates deep problems in the discourse on the fabric of international law, which over-emphasize the place of Western pharmacology and a genetically-engineered healthcare system that systematically undermines the work, sacrifices, diverse heritage and culture of the Africana nation. Symbolizing a compelling and signal contribution to a long-neglected aspect of Africana cultural and intellectual life, you are all petitioned through the attached proposal to revisit this Western brand of deficiency in plurality-consciousness, which denies the existence of ‘Natural & Moral Justice’ in a global development context, especially when it relates to the disingenuous imposition of the European Food Supplements Directive ‘2002/46/EC’ and CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.
My examination of how the UK Government, the European Union, World Health Organization and the World Trade Organization are codifying Healthcare and Food Distribution reforms, which are systematically undermining the authority of the U.N. Declaration in recognition of The African *Maafa, reveals both the Western world’s debt to ‘Plantation Africana’ and our need as U.N. Member States to reassess the way current global coverage of this auspicious year’s celebration has been suppressed, both locally and globally. My suggestion to extend the Declaration’s mandate to 2012 is therefore neither far-fetched nor provocative. Overall, the attached proposal will serve as an invaluable input to you, the Distinguished Representatives of the U.N. Member States, as you advise your Governments in the preparation of the legal, political and socio-economic pillars (both systemic and localized) to “Wake Up! Right past wrongs and prevent future atrocitiesâ€.
View official UN PROPOSAL in PDF.
Sign petition, ‘The Nation Speaks – NO! Not In My Name’ (UK citizens) http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/joininghandsinhealth/ (Global Voices Unite online Nov. 2011).
Keep following the story on 
Read more:Â http://www.joininghandsinhealth.com/campaign_news.asp
Copies of the proposal sent to 181 UN Ambassadors includes;
- Ms. Navi Pillay (UN High Commissioner for Human Rights)
- H.E. Mr. Michel Tommo Monthe (UN Chair of the 3rd Committee for Human Rights)
- Ms. Valerie Amos (UN Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs)
- Ms. Irina Bokova (UNESCO Director-General)
- Mr. Philippe Kridelka (UNESCO Director)
- Mr. Nassir Abdulazziz Al-Nasser (President of the 66th.session of the General Assembly)
- Prime Ministers & Presidents of all Caribbean Islands and African Nations.
- UK Ambassadors of the Caribbean Islands and African Nations
- 174 of the 193 UN Ambassadors.
- Ms. Dowoti Desir (UN NGO founder of the Durban Declaration)
Notes to Editors:
Dounne Alexander MBE. FRSA – founder of the Joining Hands In Health campaign; GRAMMA’S Herbal Foods and Chair of the Natural World Organization (NWO). Pioneering British/Caribbean entrepreneur; Author of ‘The Black Cinderella and A Mission of Love’; Health Campaigner and Freedom Fighter. Voted one of the greatest & most influential black people in British history; honoured by the Queen with the MBE for service to the British Food Industry and the recipient of the 2011 Human Rights Award. Dounne, (recognized as a leading light and beacon-of-hope), herself has been directly affected by these laws, as two of her extraordinary herbal products (proven safe, non toxic & effective on cancer and a wide range of conditions); previously approved by The Public Health Minister but was subsequently banned by UK Regulator (The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency – MHRA). In-depth research unearthed, the devastating impact these laws pose not only on the ‘natural health industry’ but also the nation’s health. Dounne decided to inform the wider public with the launch of her petition ‘The Nation Speaks – NO! Not In My Name†(May 2010) and Global Voices Unite (November 2011).
*The Maafa (also known as the African Holocaust or Holocaust of Enslavement) refers to the 500 years of suffering of Africans and the African Diaspora, through slavery, imperialism, colonialism, invasion, oppression, dehumanization and exploitation.  The terms also refer to the social and academic policies that were used to invalidate or appropriate the contributions of African peoples to humanity as a whole, and the residual effects of this persecution, as manifest in contemporary society.
Enquiries to : Ms India Moore (Campaign Spokesperson)

Email : enquiries@joininghandsinhealth.com
Tel. No : (+44) 0208 470 8751